April 4, 2023 Welcome Irene to the StoneCycling Team! StoneCycling is still growing! We’re happy to announce and welcome our latest team member: Irene Kuiper. Here are a few short questions for Irene as an introduction: What exactly is your role within the company? In my position as a business developer/account manager at StoneCycling, I am eager to make our newest product, the BioBasedTile, a great success! I look forward to telling architects and project developers about this revolutionary tile and, of course, making it becoming part of their beautiful projects. What attracted you to the position? While working in the interior design business for many years, my interest in waste and recycling became bigger and bigger. Especially the fact that what we generally see as waste is no waste at all! I came across StoneCycling at the Dutch Design Week and found a great match with their mission. So I am very glad now I can be part of their mission and make as much positive impact as possible. What else can you tell about yourself? I was born in Italy and although I am Dutch, Italian is my first language. Next to Italian and Dutch, I am interested in other cultures and different languages. For me, working on international projects will be perfect. Currently, I am living next to the Amsterdamse Bos with Wikke, Matteo (8), Giulia (6) Job (dog) and Pinoli (cat), I love just spending time with them doing anything from cooking, playing, visiting expositions, simply being bored up to travelling around. Welcome again Irene! We are happy that you have become part of our team and hope that you will work on great projects at StoneCycling!
What exactly is your role within the company? In my position as a business developer/account manager at StoneCycling, I am eager to make our newest product, the BioBasedTile, a great success! I look forward to telling architects and project developers about this revolutionary tile and, of course, making it becoming part of their beautiful projects. What attracted you to the position? While working in the interior design business for many years, my interest in waste and recycling became bigger and bigger. Especially the fact that what we generally see as waste is no waste at all! I came across StoneCycling at the Dutch Design Week and found a great match with their mission. So I am very glad now I can be part of their mission and make as much positive impact as possible. What else can you tell about yourself? I was born in Italy and although I am Dutch, Italian is my first language. Next to Italian and Dutch, I am interested in other cultures and different languages. For me, working on international projects will be perfect. Currently, I am living next to the Amsterdamse Bos with Wikke, Matteo (8), Giulia (6) Job (dog) and Pinoli (cat), I love just spending time with them doing anything from cooking, playing, visiting expositions, simply being bored up to travelling around. Welcome again Irene! We are happy that you have become part of our team and hope that you will work on great projects at StoneCycling!