What if...? A Future View.

In 2025, we will celebrate StoneCycling’s tenth anniversary. We’ve come a long way. Yet it feels like we just started. As we look to the future, it has become increasingly clear that we need to sharpen our focus to increase the impact that we can make on architecture and the construction industry.

That is why we’ve tweaked our mission: advancing the development, use and reuse of planet-friendly aesthetic building materials. An essential aspect of this sharpened mission statement is asking better questions. 

What if we use more waste? What if structures become reusable? What if we let nature infuse our architecture?

What if...?

What if… we used more waste? 

To enhance the impact of the WasteBasedBricks®, we are revising our manufacturing processes to significantly boost the utilisation of waste materials, well beyond 60%. This approach allows us to fire the bricks shorter and at lower temperatures.

With our production partner, we are experimenting with changing the fuel source from natural gas to hydrogen – an essential step in eliminating carbon emissions.

What if… we ramp up production? 

Last year we launched BioBasedTiles, a tile or brick slip for interior wall cladding, flooring, and facades. This product is created using Biomason’s revolutionary biocement, which employs the same bacteria that form coral reefs in the ocean to bind the materials together.

The response from our clients has been overwhelmingly positive, and the demand for these types of materials is rapidly increasing.

As a result, Biomason and StoneCycling have committed to quickly ramping up production and making this low-carbon product available to early adopters throughout Europe.

What if… we put design first? 

Design is a crucial aspect of our product development. Aesthetically pleasing and visually attractive products are likely to be kept and valued. Well-designed facades and interiors using high-quality products tend to have a longer lifespan.

Collaborations with designers like Daria from Studio Mixtura result in innovative new products such as the WasteBasedSlip® Mint, a stunning blend of green, blue, and silver glaze made from waste materials.

What if… structures become reusable?

We frequently work with retail clients who create beautiful interiors, but often the shops are remodelled within just a few years. While a product can be sustainable and attractive, fixed on a wall or floor using glue or mortar, it becomes impossible to reuse.

This practice must change.

Not just in interior design, but in architecture as a whole. Building for disassembly can significantly extend the lifespan of a product, reducing its environmental impact.

That is why, in partnership with Fassat, we have developed the Beyond Wall System. This easy-to-use system allows for creating facades, walls and floors without permanently affixing the products.

We call on innovators, early adopters, and advocates for a better planet to join our mission. To ask more questions, to challenge yourself and others.

By doing so, we not only build a dedicated community that leads the way towards beautiful and sustainable architecture, but we will get there faster.