StoneCycling || The West, 11th Avenue, New York, USA

Sustainable Facade at The West on 11th Avenue in New York

Bespoke Development - How it Started


At the end of 2017, we approached Amsterdam-based architecture firm Concrete (the architects behind CitizenM Hotels and Urby) with a daring proposal.

We love how they develop concepts in architecture and urban development. Their vision is all about provoking, confusing, philosophising and shattering dogmas. That is precisely the mentality we look for in partnerships with FRONT® (formerly StoneCycling)!

Firmly believing our WasteBasedBricks® would be a great fit with their projects, we presented our selection of sustainable bricks at their office.

New York, United States
C M & Associates
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The West


Waste upcycled with this project 261,886 kg
StoneCycling || The West, 11th Avenue, New York, USA

1. The Scope

A few months after, Concrete called us back: ‘We’re working on an ambitious and large-scale project in New York, and are looking for a brick that comes close to the ’space grey’ colour of a MacBook. We think your WasteBasedBrick Truffle might be in the right direction…’

This is a real honour because Concrete is very picky with the projects they work on. They don’t take shortcuts in materials or ambition and thrive by redefining what’s come before.

2. Lab-Time

What followed was a year of closely working together to further develop the Truffle Shine into a brick with the right colour and texture for this project in Manhattan.

Concrete chose recycled bricks because their imperfect look makes them appear historically accurate, which helps the building blend in with its surroundings.

This area has such a bumpy and rough history,” says Erikjan Vermeulen, founding partner of Concrete. “It’s industrial, so we felt we wanted to create a connection to both a little bit of the past and the future.”

Read more about our Custom Made Service

StoneCycling || The West, 11th Avenue, New York, USA

3. The Result

No less than 42 different shapes and sizes of this brick were made to fully cover each corner and curve of the façade with its shiny grey/silver look.

For the wall behind the reception desk in the lobby, we have made a relief with Truffle Shine WasteBasedSlips by letting some of the brick slips protrude a little further than others.

By working with a staggered thickness, a poem by a local poet can be read in code.

StoneCycling || The West, 11th Avenue, New York, USA
New York City, USA | FRONT®
StoneCycling || The West, 11th Avenue, New York, USA
StoneCycling || The West, 11th Avenue, New York, USA

Media Mentions

  • A new brick building in Manhattan is made of 577,367 pounds of recycled waste []
  • the west, a building in new york with a recycled-brick façade []
  • Concrete creates The West, its first residential project in Manhattan []
  • A new building in Manhattan is made of 577,367 pounds of waste []
  • Bricks Made of 577,367 Pounds of Recycled Waste adorn this Manhattan Building’s Facade | The West []
  • A New Brick Building in Manhattan is Made of 577,367 Pounds of Recycled Waste []

"We believe that change happens in unexpected moments."
